Book Review: Haystack Full of Needles

When I first heard of Alice Gunther’s new book A Haystack Full of Needles:A Catholic Home Educator’s Guide to Socialization, the subject of “socialization” wasn’t something that was key on my mind. While it is a recurring issue, that is one of my least worries in undertaking home education. At this time I feel don’t need to gear up the answers for questions thrown around — when people ask, it’s their concern, not mine, and I am not worried nor defensive. So I wasn’t sure if this book would necessarily appeal to me.

But Alice has been one of my favorite online writers, so I looked forward to reading her book. I have been blessed to have conversations with Alice. She was a key supporter and prayer warrior in my struggle in secondary fertility. Last May while on a trip to Florida I called her first to tell her the news of a positive pregnancy test — a complete surprise for us. Her cheers and celebration were just pure joy to my ears. And she pointed it out that is was May Day, the beginning of the month of Mary and feast of St. Joseph. It was no coincidence for that date because I was praying to both for this gift. I deeply cherish this memory when I I hold our beautiful son and think back of the roller coaster ride we’ve had in our fertility struggles

So how often do you get to know a person before they become an author? This was my first time, and I wasn’t disappointed in the least. This book wasn’t about appeasing other people’s questions and arguments on socialization. Alice writes from her own experience in Long Island on how to foster community, support, and that “socialization” for the homeschooled child and for the parents. She writes that one of the the reasons she wrote the book as a wish that “I could have a word with my younger self.” And that younger self is someone like me, a mother with young children just beginning the journey, who needs some reassurance (although I’m not younger, just inexperienced).

The book is easy to read and spoken from the heart. As the reader I felt like I was right there taking part in some of the wonderful activities. Alice deftly weaves quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding parents and education throughout the text. I kept saying to myself “That quote is in the Catechism? It’s just perfect!” She then provides very practical and useful advice for starting clubs and other activities in so many different areas (except formal sports or musical instrument training, as those are outside secular groups).

I love her three element rule for all activities: coffee, prayer, and simplicity. And I found the proposed 6 week cycle for activities, done twice a year is such a great idea so as to not overwhelm a family!

I really appreciated this wisdom, stressing when in homeschool groups, “Do Not Talk about One Another…it is poison to the entire group.” It’s such a good reminder to me, as a woman who has the tendency to talk too much to the point of sin. It’s an area that I must constantly be on guard. I need to read and be reminded of this, or I can backslide easily.

The Nature Study chapter is my absolute favorite. This is an area I am sorely lacking and want to make sure my sons aren’t, I find her suggestions easy to apply. Setting up a St. Francis Nature Club with a standing time and day of the week throughout the year is simply a great idea. There’s no pressure if people aren’t in attendance every week, but reassuring to know it’s there if one can make it.

This is a book every Catholic home educator should read and own, and refer to often. I loaned my copy out to a friend so she could read and review, and I found that I needed it back sooner than I thought, because I wanted to look up things and reread it!

The book is available from Hillside Education, and you can read more about Alice Gunther at her site and blog at

4 thoughts on “Book Review: Haystack Full of Needles

  1. What an absolutely gorgeous review, Jenn! I am in tears remembering that May Day memory. I would have my own similar miracle the following May!!!! Only this time, you would be the one praying for me! I hadn’t connected that before now! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are a beautiful friend! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  2. Still here, again it must not be by coincidence. I just ordered Alice’s book today! Your review is simply wonderful and makes me all the more eager to read it.

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