Knitting for Sanity

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ~

Only six more days on my awful cure. The medicine effects are really debilitating, and I know they will linger a little longer after I’ve stopped. Family and friends have been really understanding and supportive, but I would say the most impatient person through all this is me. I am happy to say I am getting better and gaining energy. Seeing that I’m going into a 3rd month of illness, it’s about time!

With tomorrow being Pope Benedict’s last day, I am going through many emotions. I know some feelings are related to side effects, but I also know I am loathe to change, and dear Papa Benedict has been one of my favorite popes. I’m not as organized as some ladies. We have pulled out some books, printed Charlotte’s new coloring page, and I’m hoping to perhaps create my first lapbook? I’m using Maryan and Jessica as my hand-holders. Part of me is reluctant to take on a project when we’re so behind on our daily school work, but I do need to embrace the current events.

So much rambling. This is my first Yarn-Along. I’ve been knitting for over 20 years, but really not in earnest until the past year. And the knitting has been my saving grace and sanity through these past few months. The knitting calms me and keeps me feeling productive.

And since I’ve had a bit of energy this week, I’ve been blocking my finished projects. I’m not taking good pictures, but wanted to just post something. This year I decided to knit some gifts. I knitted the Infinitude Scarf in black Svale for one of my sisters, but forgot to take pictures. I was thinking it was a bit “boring” to knit, but the end results are really delightful.

IMG_0608So here are 3 just blocked.


The middle scarf is a cashmere scarf I knitted for DH a few years ago. Being a rib pattern, it got very long and skinny, but also curled. We’ve now decided cashmere, while so luxurious and soft and warm, does not do well for a man’s scarf. It pills and it sheds. So now I have a new scarf in the works for him.


The blue is Barnwood cowl. I love this pattern. The yarn is Nashua Creative Focus Linen from my LYS. If you notice a trend, my siblings and I don’t tolerate wool too well, so my projects are usually natural fibers, not animal fibers. (Except for my DH!) I have to add the kitchener stitch and then I’ll gift it to another sister.



Clarus Shawl

I knitted this shawl for my friend who lost her 11 day old baby girl, Mary Rose. The pattern is Rose Garden Shawl, which I thought was very appropriate. The yarn is Cascade Ultra Pima in wine and just a joy to knit. This was my first short row experience, and really my first lace project. Now I need to get it to her. This is what happens when you are quarantined for over 2 months.

This is my current project, knitting a shawl for my mother. I’m taking the Craftsy course on mastering Lace Shawls and knitting the Clarus in Ultra Pima Fine, again in wine (as requested by Mom!). I didn’t make the first shawl, but jumping into the second project. I recommend the class! While I know I can do this, I’m learning all the time!


I’m in the middle of many books, but my spiritual reading for Lent is the first volume of Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration by Pope Benedict XVI. The first part of Lent I was finishing the Infancy Narratives (being sick I was behind on my reading).

For the family fun reads, we’re visiting Oz and the world created by L Frank Baum. We have listened to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (now for the second time) and The Patchwork Girl of Oz.

Go visit to see other Yarn Along projects!

15 thoughts on “Knitting for Sanity

  1. Your knitting projects are lovely!
    I do know what you mean about the emotions surrounding Pope Benedict’s resignation. Today I am a crying mess. (I am also ill – 4th day shoddy fever -blech!) I watched the last audience on TV, with Peter Seewald as one of the commentators. He also looked like he had to pull himself together and not cry. It has “only” been 8 years, but Pope Benedict has become such a father to us all. Maybe I have been listening more closely to his words since Rosenmontag or Fat Monday, but I am moved so deeply by his saintliness in these last days. I am truly thankful.

  2. Been praying so much for you, Jenn, and meaning to write. I’m so glad to hear the meds are working a bit and I really am praying you are able to sleep in spite of them. Your knitting is just gorgeous! I’ll write soon!!! Miss “talking” to you 🙂

  3. I love your knitting! Praying that your strength rebounds soon. I don’t like changes either, and felt like it was a bad dream when I heard about BXVI’s resignation. Now I am praying for a great outpouring of graces during this time.

  4. Your knitting is beautiful. I can’t thank you enough for all of the resources you have made available to us for Advent and Lent. My 7 year old wants to know how you made the crown of thorns in your header photo. Thanks! Glad you are better.

    • Thank you, Mary! I’m glad my resources were helpful. The crown is an older photo…I keep forgetting to take a picture of our grapevine crown of thorns. My oldest son still has a wheat allergy, and when I made the dough crown he had a bad allergy attack, so the picture is a fond and distant memory.

      I made it with the flour/salt/water dough, but I used coffee for the water to give a darker color. I braided 3 plaits into a round crown shape. My husband was worried about the sharp toothpicks when our boys were so little, so I used wooden picks I found at the local craft store, painted them brown with acrylic paint (that process is a bit messy, but easy to clean up). Before baking in the oven, I brushed the dough with an egg wash (eggs with water beaten) to give the glossy look.

  5. Pingback: Easter Yarn Along | Family in Feast and Feria

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