Prayers, Please

My little sister Frances (or affectionately known as “Fuzzy”) is expecting number 5, due in early October. She’s having problems with one of her kidneys again. She has a kidney stone and had a procedure to insert a nephrostomy today.

She was feeling much better earlier in the day, but now there seems to be some complications and they are suspecting a blood clot.

To make it even harder, today is her second son’s (my godson) 6th birthday. I was in the hospital for my son’s 6th birthday, so I know how hard that can tug on a mother’s heart.

Please pray that she can come home soon feeling better with the baby still tucked in safely.

Update 9:00: No blood clot, but pneumonia in the right lung and fluid in the left. She is beginning antibiotics and steroid shot for the baby’s lungs.

5 thoughts on “Prayers, Please

  1. Oh no! Praying for Fuzzy. I know how hard she had it last time, and with additional complications on top of it must be so hard to bear. Praying for full and complete health! Thank you God for hearing us and acting on Fuzzy’s behalf!

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